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A R1DE with……Gary

By January 10, 2024Uncategorized

Gary Cockroft, 45, is one of the team hecklers. A member pre and post COVID, we talk to Gary about why he comes to the studio week in, week out.

By day Gary works as an Operations Director for the largest supplier of generic pharmaceuticals to the NHS, responsible for Distribution, Facilities and Health & Safety. He has two children, Ted, who plays rugby for the Old Rishworthians and Bea, who competes at gymnastics. To ‘relax’ Gary is a Liverpool FC fan and goes to all the home games with his dad. He will happily watch any sport on TV and enjoys keeping fit with circuit training at work and of course R1DE.

We asked Gary our favourite questions…

How long have you been at R1DE and why do you do it?

I’ve been a member twice, before covid and then rejoined Jan 2023 to present. I spin to maintain and, if possible, improve my fitness.

What’s been the biggest benefit/improvement you found from spinning? 

My fitness has improved and with it being low impact on the body I can remain injury free!

What do you enjoy the most about R1DE? 

The competitive nature of the leaderboard, the members, the sense of community and, of course the instructors (I was promised a new fan if I said this).

What do you find the hardest about spinning? 


What advice would you give a new starter? 

Dont use bike #19! We all have our favourite bikes, and this is Lisa’s.

But seriously, learn how to pace yourself and attend more than once a week to see progress.

Why is R1DE unique? 

The leaderboard adds an element of competition (if you want it) to an excellent exercise class.

What’s your favourite track to spin to? 

Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen, then chill out music after class has finished.

Hills or sprints? 

Hills – but not standing!

For one night only, who would be your dream cycling buddy?

Jurgen Klopp but only on the ‘Chit Chat Tuesday’ class. I wouldn’t be able (or allowed) to talk in another class.

Thank you Gary. Not sure about buying you your own personal fan to keep cool but we can all agree to stay off Bike 19!

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