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A R1DE with……Maxine

By January 8, 2024Uncategorized

Maxine Hamilton, 54, is one of our regular riders at spin. She’s a G.B. Age Group Duathlete who competed for the first time in the European Championships in Bilbao 2022. She’s qualified again this year and we can’t wait see how she gets on.


Maxine works for Kirklees Council Public Health and is mad keen on exercise although only really took it up when she was 35, with her favourite sports now being running and cycling. She also loves to travel the world with her rucksack and partner Mark, and there’s not many places they haven’t pitched their tent.

More exciting news is that Maxine is to be a grandma for the first time in May!

How long have you been going to R1DE and why do you do it?

I must have been a member of R1DE for over six years. I LOVE it. You get out of it what you put in. Some days I want to work hard, some days I want an easy ride and just enjoy the social. When I go through a dip with my running, I’ll fill the gap with a spin. I ALWAYS feel great after!

What do I enjoy the most about R1DE?

Easy…the people and the music 🎶. Music really inspires me! It makes me push myself even when I don’t feel like it.


What do you find the hardest part of spinning?

FTPs!! I’m just not good at holding a bigger gear for a sustained period of time! I’m physiologically not built that way.

(Ed’s note: don’t worry, we don’t do FTPs very often!)


What advice would you give to a new starter?

Don’t feel intimidated by the screen and numbers. Just be there for you! Set yourself small targets… or don’t! Just be there to turn your legs and enjoy the social.


Why is R1DE unique? R1DE is so unique! It’s a community of people wanting to keep fit to great music and have a laugh along the way (when you get your breath that is).


Favourite track?

I have a few, but probably Nero Satisfy


Sprints or hills?



For one night only, who would be your dream cycling buddy?

A tough one, sporting ability would be Lucy Charles-Barclay… other than that, mi mates at R1DE.

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